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Mentorship relationships form a uniquely powerful role in a young person's life. Part modeling and part catalyst for self discovery, the mentorship role is one that responds dynamically to the moment-to-moment challenges facing youth today. Whether the communication throughout the week is in person or via phone, Skype, Facebook, or text, the relationship empowers the mentee to connect with their true self in the moment. Growth opportunities can be best seized when grounded in real time and real life. Consultations are also available for parents.

Expressing from the heart, Brie facilitates young women in a process of uncovering what they truly want.  Her customized mentoring sessions gently encourage the empowering emergence of self trust, with the ultimate aim of restoring the body's innate physical, emotional and spiritual intelligence.   Common themes include uncovering our needs and bottom line values, moving beyond an imbalanced focus on what others think to self care, cultivating clear, assertive communication, and taking empowered actions that preserve integrity.

In keeping with the philosophy that energy follows the flow of attention, clients are encouraged to rest their awareness on constructive action steps toward what can be done.  As a blend of somatic self reflection and initiative, these sessions help us to access a deeply intuitive place while reminding that no matter our views or circumstances, we can find solace in the unchanging essence that is the truth of our nature.



Download Your Free Personal Retreat Day

I owe a lot to you treating me the way you did and giving me the spiritual attention that has been instrumental to my continuous sobriety and serenity. I just wanted to let you know how much you have meant to me.

– Client recovering from heroin addiction,
21 yrs, Recovery Without Walls,
Berkeley, CA

Welcome to the journey of surrendering to how beautiful you are. Choosing this retreat is the first gift of power you have given yourself along an inner passage. I want to acknowledge all the pieces you are holding right now – all the stories, feelings, aches, joys and dreams. Know that as you take this first step I am breathing all of you in and breathing out the knowing that you are a powerful creature capable and deserving of joy. Breathe with me?

The first step of this trek is to mark a day off your calendar that is just for you or for you and your girlfriends. If you can, go somewhere where you can be alone, free of the distractions that are currently in your life. Let go of feeling guilty for not being present to the people in your life and give yourself permission to release being a human doing and sink into being a human being. Don't worry. The interesting thing is that when we make time for ourselves our energy and vivacity ripple out and we make time for the world.


AM: Breakfast, Resting and Reading
11:00 Shake Your Beauty
11:45 Noticing
PM: 12:00 Lunch
1:00 Nap/Rest/Free time
2:00 Express Yourself
3:00 Don't forget to Breathe
4:00 Yoga
5:30 Dinner
6:30 Nap/Rest
7:30 Mindfulness as Medicine
8:00 Chocolate Pudding Bubble Bath


You will need:

  • Music
  • Nail polish
  • Skin cream
  • Bubble bath
  • A cushy towel
  • A cushion to sit on
  • A cushy comforter
  • Your favorite book
  • A yoga mat & DVD
  • Your favorite movie
  • Ample food to nourish your body for one day
  • Canvas, paints and paintbrushes or paper and pencilcrayons

When fears come up around food, notice them and constructively continue with your task. It will take time to teach the bodymind new patterns. Be gentle and patient with the negative thoughts. They are visitors. You are engaged in a process of inviting loving company into your mind, and then realizing what is there before any company whatsoever arrived! This all takes time. Thank you for your courage, Petal.

The following is just an outline that you are free to change up according to your needs. Design a schedule that will suit you. If you like sleeping in, do it! If you like the wee hours of the morning, then that's a great time for mindfulness practice. If reading at night relaxes you, do it at that time. Our only goal for this retreat is to spend a full 24-hour period taking care of our wellbeing. I recommend bubble baths, pedicures, and restorative forms of exercise such as yoga that leave you feeling vital. We're also going to dig deep for the insights that can light our way out of disordered eating. Thank you for coming and welcome to the journey. I'm with you in spirit every single step of the way!

With my blessings for an exquisite personal retreat day,


Download Your Free Personal Retreat Day