I am grateful for what I learned during hours spent racing through snow up to my ankles on snowmobile trails, for the lightness that running in spikes on rubber brought after training in the wild wintry backwoods of Muskoka Ontario. There is no denying the presence born of rigorous discipline that led me to win at age fifteen the second largest track meet in North America, or the personal strength engendered that has since carried me through life. |
Through sport I learned about commitment, integrity and follow-through... to say nothing of the joy of hurtling my body through space God-speed, chasing my edge.
I was the captain of my basketball team in high school. This brought a whole different kind of energy as it was about cooperation, spirit and teamwork. Here I forged relationships in silence and trust on the court and laughed until my belly hurt on the bus rides.
There are tremendous gifts that come of physical activity and team spirit. Personal confidence and a healthy sense of identity are born of striving to be our best in whatever we love. In my case, it was necessary to evolve beyond the egoic identity attached to being the fastest runner in the province and into the sheer elation of moving my body. What a relief it is to approach sport from a place of light-heartedness and fun, and simply enjoy getting out for a brisk beach walk in the morning or doing yogic sun salutations at sunset.
Next: Practitioner