Acupuncturist, Clinical Herbalist, Qigong Instructor

Lindsey Hayes Koelman is a Licensed Acupuncturist, Clinical Herbalist, Medical Qigong Practitioner and Qigong Instructor. She received her Master's of Science in Oriental Medicine from the Acupuncture and Integrative Medicine College, Berkeley, graduating Summa Cum Laude, and has an undergraduate degree in Human Development from UC San Diego. Her professional interests include women's health, eating disorders, fertility enhancement, mental health, and addiction rehabilitation within the broader scope of family practice. In addition to her private practice Marin Acupuncture Clinic), Lindsey has treated hundreds of patients with acupuncture, herbs, and medical qigong in several Bay Area Clinics.
Lindsey discovered Chinese Medicine through her own recovery from a five-year battle with bulimia and anorexia. While Lindsey underwent psycho-spiritual treatment with Shakti Rising in San Diego, Lindsey's acupuncturist helped repair her severely damaged body with acupuncture, herbal medicine, and Chinese medical nutrition. Within a year Lindsey made a full physical recovery and saw the need for acupuncture in the field of eating disorders treatment. She is passionate about integrating the best Eastern and Western therapies to ensure healing of the various body systems injured by disordered eating, starvation, and addiction. Lindsey is one of a few acupuncturists specializing in eating disorders and creates herbal and supplement protocols for ED survivors across the country.
Lindsey is also a Nia dance teacher, harpist, singer of the music of Hildegard von Bingen, co-facilitator of a weekly women's group called Women, Food, and God (based on the work of Geneen Roth), researcher for the world-renowned Pine St. Clinic, and volunteer for Eating Disorder Recovery Services (EDRS). She can be reached for questions or consultations at and (415) 407-0528.
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