5 Rhythms Dance Teacher, Somatic Therapist

Saša is a passionate mover, bodyworker, poet and teacher committed to facilitating others in finding a direct dialog with their SOMA – a connected, listening, awake, heartful body that can be a resource for everyday centering, deep healing, fulfilling self-expression, and relationships with others that nourish the heart. She is a licensed massage and SOMA therapist and somatic movement practitioner. Her studies include Structural Integration, Cranial-Sacral, Hanna Somatics, Continuum, Yoga, Developmental Patterning, Authentic Movement, Gestalt and 5 Rhythms.
Sasa firmly trusts that the wisdom of the moving body and heart can restore wholeness when given permission and appropriate attention. Her vision is for all to return to our well inside and open to the heart's potency for personal and collective transformation. She is excited to be cocreating with Team Love the Skin You're In to bring hope and healing to peoples' lives.
Says Sasa, When we are grounded in our body, mind and heart we can better live from a place of openness, truth and power, and engage with life with greater joy, freedom and curiosity."
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